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Diyetkolik.com Diet Exercise play online

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Diyetkolik.com Diet Exercise

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Use UptoPlay to play online the game Diyetkolik.com Diet Exercise.

Welcome to new face of Diyetkolik application!

***Downloading diyetkolik.com Android application is free of charge. Users will not be charged

without their explicit consent. In-app purchases are subject to user.***

For your requests, questions and suggestions, you can contact us by sending an e-mail to

diyetkolik@diyetkolik.com , or from the Bize Ulan part in the app.

Turkeys most commonly used diet platform Diyetkolik, in its 7th year, is now more engaging and

in a greater shape. Diyetkolik supports the users in every step of healthy nutrition, aim to help

them lead healthy lives by its new user friendly interface.

Best New Features:

Free more features: Ka Kalori & Kalori Takipisi

Personalized Content

Online Chat with Dietitians

Voice search for nutritions

Food alternatives

Medication reminder

Meal notification

Measurement monitoring

Weekly/Monthly/Annual Reports

A wide range of calorie information: Ka kalori

Ka Kalori have thousands of nutrition calorie informations and now this feature is free in

application. Ka Kalori having the largest list of Turkish Food calories, offers not only the calorie

informations and also nutritive values such as protein, carbohydrate and fat, being a lifesaver and

helpful guide.

Follows you step by step: Kalori takipisi

Kalori Takipisi is now free in application. Kalori Takipi calculates grams of carbohydrate,

protein, and fat required for your daily calorie intake and tracks you in every step in the way of a

healhty live.

Personalized Content; when requested

You can find now personalized contents besides of personalized diet lists. During diet journey, in

a proactive way, Diyetkolik aim to provide healthy eating habits with informative information.

Diet friend: online chat with dietician

At every point there is an opportunity to have an online chat with a dietician personally by

choosing the right membership.

1.Free Membership

- Free "Ka Kalori " feature allows you to track immediately the calorie and nutritive values

including Turkish Food.

- You can follow dietitians, fitness experts' contents about weight loss, weight gain and healthy


2.Standart Membership

- You can get the most appropriate diet list for your personal characteristics and continue your

diet on an uncomplicated basis.

- You can follow the content that best suits your personal characteristics.

- You can reach your online dietitian via chat at any time. (5 questions)

- You can track the amount of water

* If requested: regional weight loss, being in great shape, weight gain, muscle building, or if you

have a health problem that may affect your diet or if you need a closer dietitian, prefer to see your

own personalized content, or a tailor made diet list, so you can purchase the zel Paket

membership via web.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Diyetkolik.com Diet Exercise.


Developer: PCI Yazilim Danismanlik ve Organizasyon Ltd. Sti.

Recent changes: Performans ve tasarım iyileştirmeleri yapıldı.
Hatalar giderildi.
Her türlü geri bildirim için diyetkolik@diyetkolik.com adresine yazabilirsiniz.

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