Ehab Tawfik is old

Ehab Tawfik is old
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
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Ehab Tawfik's old application, the king of wonderful songs, who left an indescribable imprint of impact in the generation of the forties, and his launch was witnessed by the kings of art and rapture and contemporary by many of the most famous singers of his time and he disputed all the voices and he sang like Tatraji Fia, and this application collects the most wonderful songs of the artist Ehab Tawfik Old in one place so that you need to search in any other.
This wonderful voice that enables you to relax while listening to it with all feelings and without any obstacles and at any time you want is like Ehab Tawfik Songs, who was keen at the beginning of his life to present all his energy, creations and pubs and put it into his distinctive and unique pieces during the high time era of art singers or the so-called golden age For him and his companions such as Ehab Tawfik Sahrani and Danny, because all of the above are characterized by quality, accuracy, clarity, and the ability to easily control the time of playback, stopping, restarting, and other distinctive and beautiful settings, as in Ehab Tawfik Jani's song. And the vocabulary of the pieces, which is very important, as you can hum them by always memorizing their musical words, as EhabTawfiq a. Al-Jarrah, in addition to the design of the application, which is characterized by comfort in use, the feature of constantly updating, ease of use, and random transition between high-end songs, such as:
Ehab Tawfik, how are you?
A surgeon is able
who are you
Malhimesh in Al-Tayeb
EhabTawfik the good days
God be upon you, my master
The night has passed
may God be with you
Ehab Tawfik is more than that?
EhabTawfik, oh sweetest Samra
My love and the light of his eyes
Why quarrel?
EhabTawfiq, may God bless him and grant him peace
\tMay God forgive my beloved
EhabTawfik, don't you tear up, eye?
hurt people
EhabTawfik every day pleases
lover of the heart
Forgive me
Teach me love
EhabTawfik, what do you think of me?
Oh her eyelashes
The old Ehab Tawfik application is distinguished by its high quality, the latest technology, the ability to listen to songs in the background and its small size, as it does not need a large space in the device or empty the memory
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