IPC - Indian Penal Code(Gujarati)

The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game IPC - Indian Penal Code(Gujarati).
Complete Indian Penal code (IPC Gujarati language ) with amendments presented in a user friendly design with excellent user experience.
It will help UPSC,GPSC,Law Students, Professionals,Lawyers,Advocates and learners as well as creating awareness among the people on Indian Penal Code.
Desigen :
IPC - Indian Penal Code app is very simple to use.
IPC - Indian Penal Code is Gujarati language
User Friendly UI
Readable Text
Includes 23 Chapters, 511 Sections, and various sub-sections.
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Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game IPC - Indian Penal Code(Gujarati).
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