Odoo messenger

Odoo messenger
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Odoo messenger.
Odoo android application.
Chats (mail.channel) Messages (mail.message), Projects, Project Task, Attachments, Comments, ResPartners, ResUsers, Attendance, Employee, IrFilters, IrFields, Sales in progress(CRUD)
Attachments big files queue and auto resending(every 50 seconds)
Firebase push notification work when app close or hide or active. For activate firebase push play online free module https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/15.0/android_notificator on your odoo instance
Longpolling notification work when app hide or active and use if not used firebase by default
Geotracking if installed Odoo backend module paid https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/15.0/hr_attendance_geotracking.
Eurodoo app can collects location background for HR attendance control even when the app is closed or not in use, if you install geotracking backend module
Log in/out. Session store, auto reactivate after expire. Timezone odoo datetime user support (convert on client).
Redux, persist storage, sagas.
Settings menu. Attachments queue for sending. Account. Multi accounts in progress
Multi version support tested 12,13,14,15 version CE and Enterprise.
Pull to refresh update all data.
Tags filters (read filters from odoo, also support multi fields text search).
Attendance check in/out work with geolocation from gps.
In chats can upload ,multi files at once time from device.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Odoo messenger.
Developer: Artem Shurshilov
Recent changes: [fix] menu switch work without bug
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