
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game OpenRecycleMap.
OpenRecycleMap is a technological project for solving a serious environmental problem: separate collection and recycling of garbage.
The map allows you to find and add separate collection points for garbage in any city in Russia and the world (so far only Russian is supported).
The map supports the following types of fractions:
- Plastic
- PET bottles
- Glass bottles
- Glass
- paper
- Aluminum and cans
- Plastic bags
- Clothing
- light bulbs
- Batteries
- Unsorted waste (regular waste containers)
In order to add a new container to the map, you need to register on and enter the site using OSM.
The map is based on OpenStreetMap data. This means that the data added to our map will also be displayed on OpenStreetMap. The reverse is also true: when adding data about separate collection points on OSM, they will be displayed on OpenRecycleMap.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game OpenRecycleMap.
Developer: MetaSystems
Genre: Maps & Navigation
App version: 1.0
App size: 1.5M
Recent changes: Fixed bug with displaying the project address in the application
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