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The game of license plates play online

Free play online The game of license plates APK

The game of license plates

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay





Play this online game named The game of license plates.

A game to develop the skill to mentally add small numbers by identifying a "secret code" on the license plates. You have to identify the secret codes of five plates per round, on a maximum number of seconds that decreases from 120 seconds, in the first round, up to 5 seconds in the final one. You earn points for the number of hits and the time spare in each round.


Se solicitan nuevamente los permisos necesarios para el despliegue de los anuncios y se añadió en los créditos la fuente de la cinta de karate que se usa como indicador de nivel.



The game of license plates from UptoPlay.net

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