Worldcraft: Exploration Lite 8.52

Worldcraft: Exploration Lite 8.52
The official app & game
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Play this online game named Worldcraft: Exploration Lite 8.52 .
#Join the online world with players from all over the world!#Change your name when connecting to an online world! Worldcraft:Exploration Lite is a pocket edition of sandbox craft buildinggame, you can build anything you can image, craft for new things,and suvival, the only limit is your imagination. You will see cuteanimals playing with you, monsters, zombie will kill you if younear to them. Features: - Weather conditions, day and night -Bright HD textures and objects of the world - Many new maps andlocations! - New generation of an infinite world - Animals,Zombies, predators, new models---------------------------------------------- 1.This is not anofficial Mojang app. The app is not associated or connected withMojang AB. Minecraft is a trademark of Mojang AB and it is notendorsed by or affiliated with the creator of this game or itslicensers. 2. This app use code from the Minetest project, LGPLcode: . you can always getthe newest Minetest code from us email( FunKetApp AT gmail ) if you have any questions andany feedback is welcome!
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