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Air quality - Torino play online

Free play online Air quality - Torino APK

Air quality

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay





Play this online game named Air quality - Torino.

TorinoAir will let you know the Index Forecast Air Quality for Turin, real-time, daily and for the next day.

SHARE: Share forecasts with whoever you want, by all possible services like Whatsapp, Facebook, Telegram, and many others

NOTIFICATION: by purchasing the application MaiorDonate unlock the notifications handy feature which allows you to set the reception at a predefined time of the air conditions.

CUSTOM: For more customization, you can change the color of the graphical components in the application.

NOTE: Notifications will report updated data only when the appointed time will be active in implementing a Wi-Fi or mobile data.
If notifications are not working, after they have been activated in the menu dedicated entirely close the application from the Applications recent menu.

The informations contained in the application are retrieved from the websites of the Province of Turin and the City of Turin. Only purpose of the application is make it easier to reference.


10 codici promozionali, per ottenere le notifiche gratuitamente (nella descrizione app)
Nuovo menù laterale
Restyling grafico
Nuove mappe Ozono, Biossido di Azoto, Polveri sottili
Correzione di bug e peso dell'applicazione diminuito
Nuovi parametri in situazione odierna



Air quality - Torino from UptoPlay.net

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