Mind Reader

Mind Reader
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Mind Reader.
After showing the seven ranges of numbers, the application will guess the number you are thinking about.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Mind Reader.
Developer: gigi hiu
Genre: Entertainment
App version: 9.0
App size: 9.4M
Not very impressive! Have a look at all the numbers in each set and see what I mean! In response to developers reply: all it is is process of elimination. When all other numbers have been eliminated you will get the number you thought of. It's not hard it's easy! It doesn't take much brains to work that out! It's not amazing. No is the answer to your question! Developer: I think I know how it's done. Not 100% though. If I am wrong then I will give more stars. Give me a few more days. That's it.
You should add WAY more stuff to it all it does is guess your number there should be alot more stuff to do other than that
This is not working Its said Mind Reader are stopped working can you fix this???
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