Countdown Stopwatch Timer with Sound - Real Clock

Countdown Stopwatch Timer with Sound
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Countdown Stopwatch Timer with Sound - Real Clock.
Countdown Stopwatch reminds about important dates and events in your life, so you do not have to manually calculate days left with your calendar.
With Countdown for events you will never miss another birthday, retirement date, salary, anniversary, graduation event, wedding, delivering a baby (pregnancy), exam, serving the army, football/soccer game, summer holiday or any other important date, including shopping sales event.
Lap function
1/10ths second (1/100ths available through in app unlock)
Speaking lap times
Last lap time display
Optional hours and millisecond display
Multiple timers / stopwatches
Renaming of timers and laps
Export by email
Countdown then up
Countdown and repeat (loop timers)
Countdown then start next (chain timers)
1/100ths (optional)
Show current lap (optional)
Control timer groups
Reorder timers
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Countdown Stopwatch Timer with Sound - Real Clock.
Developer: Algari
Genre: Entertainment
App version: 3.0
App size: 3.1M
Recent changes: * Some bug fixed.
* Improve performance
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