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Auto Palette play online

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Auto Palette

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Use UptoPlay to play online the game Auto Palette.

Auto Palette is an application where it takes a captured image as input and process it in removing the background and generate specific color palette based on the detected object.

You can detect various object using the Deep Model. More info about the used Deep Model is in a section in the app. (*press the navigation button in home page).

Other features includes:
- Copy the color palette to your device's clipboard
- Download the generated color palette (will save into the device's play online folder, you can also see in your gallery/photo)

Note: this is my first time developing and publishing an app. If you experience problems, please be patient with me and just contact me thru my email listed below.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Auto Palette.


Developer: Jamezzy

Recent changes: Update target API level to 33

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