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The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Use UptoPlay to play online the game AYUCOM- INDIAS FIRST AYURVEDA.

AYUCOM- INDIA'S FIRST AYURVEDA COMMUNITY is Fully dedicated Practice to reunite the People of Ayurveda.
Ayucom can also be accessed on website

*Welcome Page : Added ability for users to choose between register and login on welcome page.
*Register Page: Added ability to register an new account.
*Registration steps: Added ability for users to upload there Avatars and display recommended users.
*Timline Page: Added ability to see all kind of posts Text, Pictures, Videos, Maps, Feelings, and more .
*Friends & Follow System: Ayucom Supports friends system .
*Add Post Page: Added ability for users to add new post as text or image or video or activities and feelings.
*Post Privacy: Added ability to control post Privacy.
*Friends Page: Added ability to display all users friends on one page .
*User Profile Page: Added ability for users to open users profile and timelines and get there information and feeds.
*Comunity Page: Added ability for users to display liked pages and joined groups on one page .
*Search Page: Added ability to search for users & pages and groups with ability to add or like or join during the search.
*Search Filter Page: Added ability to filter search results via Avatar or Status or Gender and more.
*Profile Picture: Dynamic profile picture for users.
*My Images Page: Display all posted photos with users comments and likes.
*Market Place: Added ability for users to get latest products and contact there owners.
*Add Product Page: Added ability for user to add there own product attached with images & informations and price.
*#Hashtags: Displays trending and related topics shared by users.
*@Mentions: Use @username to tag people in a status or messages.
*Saved Posts: User can save posts to view them later.
*Delete & Edit Posts: User can delete and edit his own posts.
*Save Posts: User can save posts to view them later.
*Liked pages: Added ability for users to like pages and get pages feeds and action buttons .
*Groups: Added ability for users to join groups and get groups feeds and informations.
*Pro members Profiles: Added ability for users to see pro members types on each user Profile.
*Notifications Page: Added ability to display all notifications with Events such as like , shared, commented, etc.
*Push Notifications: Added ability for users to get notifications for users activities and more.
*Friend Requests: Added ability to accept or cancel friend requests.
*Trending Hashtag: Users can see last trending hashtags on left slider.
*Promoted Pages: Users can see last promoted pages on left slider.
*Pro Members: Users can see promoted members on left slider.
*Pro Upgrade Page: Added ability for user to upgrade his account to pro member.
*Settings page Added ability for user to control his privacy and settings.
*Acount Page: Added ability for users to control there account password & username and email.
and much more

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game AYUCOM- INDIAS FIRST AYURVEDA.



Recent changes: -Ui improved
-Login issue solved
-Added New Sign up System
-Improved App Security
-Added UGC DATA privacy Agreement on Live Stream

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