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Play caotico APK


The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Use UptoPlay to play online the game caotico.

A basic educational game of arranging numbers and letters. In this game, cards with numbers or letters as tags are placed on the screen. The task is to arrange the cards in ascending or descending order with respect to the instruction placed at the base of the screen before the timer runs out after which you gain a point. It is also available in multiplayer mode.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game caotico.


Developer: Yahaya and Immanuel.

Genre: Arcade

App version: 1.0

App size: 9.2M

Recent changes: How well do you know your numbers/ letters? Let's see...


Nice game with great UI. Great work.

It's a nice game.... It creates bond and very interesting...

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