Card game Poker raspisnoy

Card game Poker raspisnoy
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Card game Poker raspisnoy.
Card Game "Raspisnoy" Poker (also known as Joker, Up & Down, Georgian Poker) -
extremely gambling card game, very popular in such countries as Russia, Ukraine, Belarus.
This is not like classic poker, this is trick-taking game. Despite the fact that "Raspisnoy" poker is simpler than Preference, the game is highly gambling and exciting.
- worthy and quick-thinking AI;
- high definition graphics;
- autosaving every turn;
- online table of top players.
You can find more details about game rules in the "Game rules" menu.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Card game Poker raspisnoy.
Developer: Ellerium Soft
Genre: Card
App version: 1.93
App size: 35M
Recent changes: Fixes for Android 11
Хорошая игра. Есть и недочёты. Так, например, за одну недовзятую карту в некоторых конах (заметил на 3 и 4) почему-то отбавляется -20 очков у игрока, хотя положено -10 за одну. Рассмешило, когда ИИ однажды заказал 2 взятки в кону на ОДНУ карту. Ещё в правилах вроде не написано, что за все (4) победы в спец. игре даётся бонус +60. Спасибо за хорошее приложение. =)
Игра не работает!
When i figured out how to play, it was fun
Great game'
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