Chess 3d board game

Chess 3d board game
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Chess 3d board game.
The best 3D Chess game is here! Play Chess in immersive 3D graphics. Real Chess 3D is one of the most realistic and enjoyable chess games available on mobile. Challenge your friends to matches or play against the AI players in the best chess game.
It's like you are actually playing chess in real because of the realistic 3d graphics. Customize the look and feel of your game by choosing the chess board, checkers, piece type, table. Tap on a piece to- 25 different level carefully tweaked to challenge you gradually while you progress. Chess is a two-player strategy board game played on a checkered board with 64 squares arranged in an 88 grid. Each player begins with 16 pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns. The objective is to checkmate the opponent's king by placing it under an inescapable threat of capture.
Pit different AI levels against each other and watch. Realistic 3D models, animations and sound effects. Customizable chess set and chessboard colors. Option to hide valid moves markers, last move trail markers and thinking AI markers.
This app brings classic chess game into new dimension. With advanced 3D graphics you can feel all beauty of interacting with virtual chess set. Choose to play with AI or with real opponents. Take no prisoners and protect your King at all costs! This 3D Chess game is the best way to play the classic Chess board game on Android.
Chess pieces :
The pawn moves to one field forward or two fields at the first move of this figure, beats diagonally to one field forward.
The king moves to one field in the vertical, horizontal or diagonal.
The rook moves to any distance vertically or horizontally.
The knight moves to the field two fields along the vertical and one horizontally or one field vertically and two horizontally.
The queen moves to any distance vertically, horizontally or diagonally.
Important Chess situations:
* Check
- the situation in chess when a king is under immediate attack by opponent's pieces
* Checkmate
- The situation in chess when the player whose turn it is to move is in check and has no legal move to escape check.
* Stalemate
- The situation in chess when the player whose turn it is to move has no legal move and is not in check.
The goal of the game is to checkmate the other king.
Two special moves in Chess :
- Castling is a double move, performed by the king and the rook that never moved.
- En passant is a move in which a pawn can take an opponent's pawn if it jumps over a field under the pawn's blow.
Finally rewritten from the ground up on a brand new, stable and smooth rendering game engine!
So what are you waiting for? Download now for Free!
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Chess 3d board game.
Developer: Fudu Game Studio
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