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CT Lottery Results play online

Play CT Lottery Results APK

CT Lottery Results

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


Play Online



Use UptoPlay to play online the game CT Lottery Results.

The best, fast, FREE Android app for Connecticut lottery results for the following draw games:

* Powerball
* Mega Millions
* Lucky Links
* Lotto
* Lucky for life
* Cash 5
* Play 4
* Play 3

Quickly and easily scroll through all Connecticut lotto draw game results - no need to navigate through multiple menus to find game results.

Number history
Generate Quick Picks - Randomly generate picks for games
Payouts for select games
Frequency of drawn balls for select games

Ad supported

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game CT Lottery Results.


Developer: Matthew Saavedra

Genre: Entertainment

App version: 1.2.4

App size: 9.3M

Recent changes: Interim version to address connectivity issues.
History is currently unavailable.


loved it, easy to used.

Yesterday im lonely.because my clubilliono online game is not coming to my applivatio

Janky till you learn how it works

I love Connecticut.

Mr. MMB good'

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