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deHex play online

Play deHex APK


The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Use UptoPlay to play online the game deHex.

deHex is a minimalist app that decodes every hexadecimal string found in text copied to the clipboard. All you have to do is just copy the text containing hex codes then open deHex !

Notes: On systems prior to Android 10 (Q), deHex also starts a background service that pushes notifications for every hex it decoded, which is very convenient for user experiences. On Android 10 (Q) and later, deHex is not able to do the same because access to the system clipboard is limited to the focused app only due to security restrictions.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game deHex.


Developer: binatory

Genre: Tools

App version: 1.0.1

App size: 1.5M

Recent changes: * Improve UX

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