Edkasa Education App

Edkasa Education App
The official app & game
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Edkasa is an education, learning and study app for Pakistani high school students of BISE, FBISE, Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, and Kashmir. In this app you will find video lectures, notes, past papers MCQs for learning and practice as you prepare for your exams this year.
In this app we cover English, Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Computer Science subjects for Matric (class 9 & 10), and Intermediate (class 11 & 12) students.
All BISE Examination boards from Punjab, Sindh, FBISE, KPK, Balochistan and Kashmir are covered for study in the Edkasa app. Edkasa app will help improve your learning outcomes with practice using video lectures, notes, past papers and MCQs. All material is in line with BISE curriculum & patterns.
You can also find preparation material for entry tests on the Edkasa app.
Weather you are a school, student, teacher, or parent looking for an ideal learning and study solution, Edkasa app has you covered. We provide 3 key benifits to our users that are unmatched:
1. Edkasa gets proven results: Scientific studies show that students that use Edkasa app have been found to perform 20% better on exams. 20% higher performance means up to two letter grades in improvement over students that study with tutors, or go to academies.
2. Edkasa saves time for students and parents: Going to academy after school wastes a lot of time. On the Edkasa app you can start to study instantly when you come home from school. No time wasted. Also, you can skip straight to the topic or chapter that you want to prepare and don't have to waste precious study time on topics and chapters that are already prepared well. Our video lectures are short and to the point. Edkasa not only explains the concept to you but also tells you how you will be assessed in your exam so you can get full marks for every question that you attempt. You can watch these lectures as many times as you want, rewind, forward, pause, repeat from the comfort of your home. You can revise and practice as many times as you like. Use your time wisely with Edkasa and get ahead.
3. Edkasa saves your money: The average academy tuition costs Rs. 6,000 - 8,000/month and other costs such as test sessions, registrations, transportation, pocket money can quickly add up to an estimated Rs. 28,000/month for a high school student in Pakistan.
You can start using Edkasa for FREE as soon as you play online and sign up on the app. nearly 20% of all our learning content is free to use. We encourage you to explore the full Edkasa app and see for yourself how we are better than any other learning app, academy, or tutor.
Once you are confident, you can unlock the full Edkasa app for on Rs. 1,800/month. This includes upto 4 subjects complete video lectures, topic by topic quizes, and practice test sessions. You can also unlock only a single subject for Rs. 899/month if you want, or a single test session for just Rs. 150/month.
Edkasa saves your hard earned money and makes sure you get the best online education and learning experience available to Pakistani students.
About Edkasa
Edkasa is Pakistan's fastest growing education technology venture. Edkasa's vision is to make quality education accessable to all Pakistani students no matter where they are and where they come from.
Edkasa's team consists of Pakistani graduates from top colleges and universities that include LUMS, Harvard, Carnegie Mellon, Tufts, MIT, Georgia Tech, NUST, FC College, IBA, and many more. We all believe in a better Pakistan that is a direct result of better education for 140 million learners that will need to acquire new skills and knowledge in the years to come.
We believe that the bridge between the Pakistan that we have, and the Pakistan that we want is improving the state of education in Pakistan.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Edkasa Education App.
Developer: Edkasa - Pakistan's Favourite Education App
Recent changes: - Improvements and Bug fixes
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