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Electric Meter play online

Free play online Electric Meter APK

Electric Meter

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay





Play this online game named Electric Meter.

Easy entry of current electricity meter value.

Based on past year usage (see preferences), monthly fee and kWh price, the app estimates the future consumption and future monthly rate.

Input screen:

To start data entry touch the current meter value in the main screen.
Enter the current value using the up and down buttons. You can also enter a value using the numeric keyboard.

List view:

In the list view, all meter values are displayed in descending order (current value first).
The list view items show the average daily usage in kilowatt hours. Red values indicate a value above average.

* last year consumption
* monthly fee
* price per unit (kWh)


Free input of a meter value for any date



Electric Meter from UptoPlay.net

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