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First Aid Ebook (1stAid)

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Description (English Version):

Ebook Basic First Aid or Ebook Asas Pertolongan Cemas (1stAid) came in dwi-language which is in Bahasa Malaysia and in English. May the existence of the Ebook Basic First Aid/Ebook Asas Pertolongan Cemas (1stAid), we are able to choose the right actions regarding the emergency situation we are in. Therefore we hoped from this Ebook Basic First Aid/Ebook Asas Pertolongan Cemas (1stAid) we can prepare ourselves with the knowledge that can help us or others in any unexpected emergency condition or situation.

Ebook 1stAid Features:

1. First Aid Introduction
2. Bleeding Treatment
3. Shock Treatment
4. Burnt and Scald Treatment
5. Heat Treatment
6. Poisoning Treatment
7. Electric Shock Treatment
8. Broke Treatment
9. Drowned Treatment
10. Wound Treatment
11. CPR

Bonus (In English):

1.) First Aid Basic
2.) First Aid Book
3.) Everything First Aid Book
4.) First Aid Manual Complete Guide A to Z

#Happy Reading !


Penerangan (Bahasa Melayu):

Ebook Basic First Aid atau Ebook Asas Pertolongan Cemas (1stAid) ini didatangkan dalam dwi-bahasa iaitu Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa English. Dengan adanya Ebook Basic First Aid/Ebook Asas Pertolongan Cemas (1stAid) ini, diharapkan kita mampu mengambil tindakan yang sewajarnya apabila berdepan dengan apa sahaja situasi serta keadaan kecemasan tersebut. Selain itu diharapkan Ebook Basic First Aid/Ebook Asas Pertolongan Cemas (1stAid) ini dapat membekalkan kita dengan ilmu yang boleh membantu kita serta mereka yang memerlukan pertolongan dalam setiap keadaan dan kecemasan yang memerlukannya dan tidak terduga.

Isi Kandungan Ebook 1stAid:

1. Pengenalan Rawatan Pertolongan Cemas
2. Rawatan Mengawal Pendarahan
3. Rawatan Renjatan
4. Rawatan Terbakar dan Melecur
5. Rawatan Kecemasan Haba
6. Rawatan Keracunan
7. Rawatan Kejutan Elektrik
8. Rawatan Patah
9. Rawatan Lemas
10. Rawatan Luka
11. Rawatan CPR

Bonus (Dalam Bahasa English):

1.) First Aid Basic
2.) First Aid Book
3.) Everything First Aid Book
4.) First Aid Manual Complete Guide A to Z

#Selamat Membaca !

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game First Aid Ebook (1stAid).


Developer: vorgueapps

Recent changes: Update coding error.

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