Geo Blaster

Geo Blaster
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Play this online game named Geo Blaster.
Geo Blaster is a tricky puzzle game. Your job is to blast various geometric figures in order to trigger a chain reaction. The puzzle is solved when all the figures have been removed. The shape of the figures determines the direction of the explosion. The longer the chain reaction, the more points you get when a figure explodes.Play the included puzzle games. Or invite a friend to a multiplayer game.
Supports Google Play Leaderboards, Achievements and Turn-based Multiplayer Matches from Google Play Games.
3 Different game modes available...
Start a chain reaction to solve a puzzle. The number of touches is limited. You have as many attempts. If you could solve the puzzle, then a new puzzle is unlocked.
Solve 50 random puzzles in a row. For this you receive at the start a certain number of touches. Whenever you can solve a puzzle, you get more touches. If you no longer touches have left, the game is over.
Time Battle:
Solve 50 random puzzle in the allotted time. Each touch costs a little of the remaining time. This is about speed and accuracy.
There are more than 750 different puzzles are available.
Turn-based Multiplayer Match:
The goal is to solve 10 random puzzles as possible with as little touches. It is played in turns. Each player must solve the same puzzle. Each puzzle can be repeated. The score can be compared during the rounds. The winner is the player with the fewest touches and the most points.
You can invite your friends. You can receive an invitation from your friends.
Inbuild Level Editor
It is up to you. Become creative and build your own level packs. The editor helps you to create, manage and share your level packs. You can also imnport a level pack from one of your friends.
Have fun with Geo Blaster...
If you like games like Bubble Bast or Bubble Bast 2 you will love Geo Blaster. The blast directions depends on the shape of the items. This makes Geo Blaster unique and more ambitious than bubble only games. Become creative and create your own level packs with the new inbuild level editor. Share your levels with your friends or import levels from your friends.
Please rate Geo Blaster if you like it. If not send an email with suggestions how to improve this game.
V3.1.0Turn-based Multiplayer Match:
The goal is to solve 10 random puzzles as possible with as little touches. It is played in turns. Each player must solve the same puzzle. Each puzzle can be repeated. The score can be compared during the rounds. The winner is the player with the fewest touches and the most points.
You can invite your friends. You can receive an invitation from your friends.
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