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GFPay play online

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The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Use UptoPlay to play online the game GFPay.

Global Free Pay efforts to promote and implement mobile payments worldwide.It provides system development and services for businesses to aggregate payment, data analysis, settlement and reconciliation etc.
Efficient and Convenient
The merchant can complete the payment through multiple channel,such as AppQRCodePOS.
Customer can pay money through any mode she like,such as Alipay,WeChat etc.
Safety and Speed
Automatic clearing system for cross-border full payment,7x24 hours all day check, to ensure zero fault.7x24 hours all day for automatic reconciliation.Multi-channel encryption authentication for the payment to ensure seamless connection with each channel.Real time monitoring and tracking of transaction data.Strict rules of Risk Management to ensure the security of each account.
Global Strategy
At present, the Global Free Pay has served many national service providers, such as the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan and so on.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game GFPay.


Developer: Global Free Pay Co.Ltd

Recent changes: 适配alipay+

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