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Great Christian Leadership

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Leadership is not only a noun but also a verb - do you have what it takes to lead your church or other organization? Jay, founder of Great Christian Leadership, would like to start a conversation on how to lead a church or organization in a knowledge-based, rather than lead based, way.
Let's get you armed with knowledge through great leadership. We provide the necessary steps for developing a good Christian leadership to develop influence and the authority of god's kingdom into the earth. Let's learn how to be good leaders designated by God.

Leadership is crucial for every organizations progress. Without good and effective leadership its almost impossible for a group or an organization to thrive. Leadership can either make or break a team. A Church without any committed and dedicated leaders is in a complicated status. The Church needs good Christian leadership. Even God, since the Old Testament had appointed faithful leaders to lead His chosen people. While He never chose perfect leaders, God chooses those whose faith and heart are in Him. From Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Deborah, Saul, David, Solomon, and Esther to the Apostles who boldly preached the Gospel, God had chosen faithful and mighty leaders to lead His people.

God chose them to carry out certain purposes for His glory. The Lord is calling Christian leaders today to carry the same fire for His glorious name. A leader in the Church is not just the Pastor. Christian leadership is about multiple leaders and potential leaders of the different ministries and departments working together. The Church must always be on look-out for good Christian leaders to guide and lead church members in the right direction. Most church leaders today are overworked.

The leadership style of Jesus is quite different from the worlds perspective. Jesus debunked various practices of the Israelites, particularly that of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. He corrected the concepts of the world regarding important subjects including leadership. When the world says leadership is about power and influence; the Lord speaks about character and service. Jesus leadership style proves its power with its influence as it has survived and thrived for the past 2000 years. Even today, despite the ever-changing culture and ever-present challenges, Jesus leadership style has been the most effective. We can learn good Christian leadership by looking into the life of Jesus Christ.

Servant leadership is the groundbreaking leadership style of Jesus. This manner of leading people shifted the focus of leadership from the leaders to those they are leading. It changes the manner of leadership being viewed initially as a position above the common people to the acts of serving below the common people. Christian leadership Jesus modeled was not about the glamour of being a leader which the Church leaders of Israel tried to impress upon its people. From being great, Jesus brought leadership down to reach people who are at their lowest. He brought himself just as low, being born in a manger to a carpenters son so his disciples will know what it means to be great.

When the disciples got infuriated by a request from the mother of James and John, the Lord spoke the best key takeaways on humility and greatness (Matthew 20:20-28). She desires for her sons to sit on the right and left of the throne of Jesus. That was a striking request! The disciples must have been surprised by the boldness of this woman. Nevertheless, it was a great show of faith. Honestly, we cant blame the apostles for reacting like that. This woman believes firmly that Jesus is Lord for her to make that request.

Looking for a way you can lead your church or community in a good, meaningful way? In our latest show we tackle the important question about just what a "good Christian leadership" looks like. It's a deep discussion, but it may just help you serve God and your community better.

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Developer: Bible Verse with Prayer

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