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Heathfield Primary School play online

Free play online Heathfield Primary School APK

Heathfield Primary School

The official app & game

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Play this online game named Heathfield Primary School.

On behalf of the Children, Staff and Governors at Heathfield Primary School, I would like to welcome you to our School website. Heathfield Primary School is a place where all staff are dedicated to providing a stimulating, exciting environment where everyone feels valued and safe. Creativity and ideas can flourish and children can maximise their progress. By providing a varied and creative curriculum, which engages our children, and by promoting excellent behaviour, we aim to enthuse in all our children a desire to learn, as well as care and respect each other. We believe that education is a partnership between pupils, staff and parents working together to foster and develop an enjoyment of learning. Ours is a happy school, where the success of every child really matters. Mr Neil Hedworth (Head of School)

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Heathfield Primary School from UptoPlay.net

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