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Holiyay - Marketplace Travel Pertama! play online

Play Holiyay - Marketplace Travel Pertama! APK


The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Use UptoPlay to play online the game Holiyay - Marketplace Travel Pertama!.

Holiyay #ExploreTheWorld, Find the best destination for your holiday only in Holiyay!

Welcome to Holiyay!

Holiyay is an application that we use for finding the best destination for our holiday plan. In this application, we supply the famous destination over the world, it may help you to set up the best holiday plan for you to receive the best experiences while you are travelling around the world.

Everyday , This application will be updated by our team to give you complete information about the destination and also we will update our application user interface to make you enjoy while using our application

If you need any helps or want to give our team suggestion, please contact us through
Email : [email protected]
Instagram : @officialholiyay

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Holiyay - Marketplace Travel Pertama!.


Developer: Holiyay

Recent changes: *Memperbaiki bugs
*Spotlight Produk buat anda!
*Mitra Holiyay sudah tersedia
*Kost Supreme telah tersedia
*Marketplace Paket Tour telah tersedia
*Marketplace Rental Mobil telah tersedia
*Fitur login dengan Nomor Telfon telah tersedia
*Perbaikan bugs
*Tambahan destinasi dan fitur menarik lainnya

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