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How to make origami play online

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How to make origami

The official app & game

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Use UptoPlay to play online the game How to make origami.


Discover the tricks and keys to learn how to make origami step by step and all kinds of origami figures for children.

Learn to make all kinds of figures of folded paper. One of the best known figures of origami is the boat and the paper bow tie.

Tutorial how to make origami step by step:

- how to make an easy paper boat
- assorted butterflies
- a folded paper cup
- Bee
- origami bow ties
- how to make a giraffe with leaves or cardboard
- decoration flowers
- heart
- dinosaur
- origami crane

Free origami course in Spanish for beginners, with basic folds, and learn how to make them to play and enjoy.

Discover how to make the most typical and simple origami folds, with this step-by-step origami crafts course.

Tutorial on how to make simple figures of folded paper, ideal for making decorations for the home.

Follow the steps of this simple video tutorial, to learn how to make paper figures from scratch, in free videos.

Have you ever tried to make a paper airplane or boat?. Online videos to learn how to make easy origami step by step.

Discover the art of folding paper, and how to make a 3D origami bird, a squirrel, a heart... step by step. Know your skills totally free.

Play this online gamelication and learn quickly and easily, how to make easy paper things for children in a very short time, and very nice origami figures.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game How to make origami.


Developer: Rios Rosa Montana

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