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HUNDRED FIRES 3 Sneak Action 1.1 + OBB (Data File) play online

Free play online HUNDRED FIRES 3 Sneak  Action 1.1  + OBB (Data File) APK

HUNDRED FIRES 3 Sneak Action 1.1 + OBB (Data File)

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay





Play this online game named HUNDRED FIRES 3 Sneak Action 1.1 + OBB (Data File).

HUNDRED FIRES 3: sneaking and action gameThe definitive episode ofthe great saga of infiltration, espionage and action is finallyout. After two successful issues the story climaxes in anunforgettable game. Everything what made the former two episodes asuccess of public and critic has been enhanced, but besides that inthis thrilling game you will find new playing possibilities andendless new features which takes the game experience to anotherlevel.1. New weapons which combine the the historic accuracy withthe most advanced weapons and other gadgets that make possible tothe gamer a new wide range of infiltration strategies never seenbefore.2. New actions take the game to a new stage. Sneaking tomake sure that nobody can see you, avoid the guards, camouflageyourself and deceive artificial intelligence that makes yourmission a tough one.3. Face dangerous enemies who are a challengeto your own ability: five new bosses, each with the specific story,design and attacks of an assassin big boss.4. kinematics of highquality helping you to take part in a great historical story:change the fate of humanity on the days of the Cuban missilecrisis.5. Go through a soviet military base with full movementfreedom, choose your path and avoid traps and dangers that areliying in wait for you around the corner on this amazingbattlefield.Cuba is facing its final hour, and so does the entireworld that is breath holding on the verge of a thermonuclear war!Only Montenegro can stop the thermonuclear war…. Answer the call ofduty: only you can save Cuba!


HUNDRED FIRES 3 Sneak Action 1.1 + OBB (Data File) from UptoPlay.net

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