Loan Receipt

Loan Receipt
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Loan Receipt.
Loan Receipt App is designed to digitally acknowledge received money from a person or company as a loan. It is an essential app for your personal and business transactions.
Are you facing a problem to print expensive printed cash memos or cash receipts? Do you like to instantly acknowledge receipt of money received from your mobile phone? Are you tired of remembering how much you received from whom? We have a clear and easy solution by presenting you a very easy to use app.
The app has the following features:
- Date and Time of Receipt (Auto)
- Unique ID
- Received from (Payer)
- Received by
- Amount with Multi-Currency
- Purpose/Description
- List all Receipts
- Void or Delete Receipts
- Select Method of Payment (Cash/Credit Card/MFS/...)
- View SMS
- Add company details
- Add company logo
- Printing option to any printer
Receipts can be saved in Image format or send via SMS or Email.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Loan Receipt.
Developer: Zakaria Bin Abdur Rouf
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