
The official app & game
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myEastspring is Eastspring Investments Berhads online unit trust investment app that lets you stay in control of your investments. Manage your transactions and accounts securely and easily anywhere. This secure and simple to use app allows you to perform transactions and manage your Eastspring Investments accounts from your mobile device.
Conduct your investment transactions while on the move and enjoy the convenience anytime anywhere. Our app puts all the services you need at your fingertips, enabling you to do the following:
View all your accounts and investment portfolios
Manage your profile or personal details
Make Buy, Sell or Switch transactions
Authorise transactions made by your agent on your behalf
Manage your servicing agent(s)
Information and customer service
For more information, please call our customer service at +603 2778 1000
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game myEastspring.
Developer: Eastspring Investments Berhad
Recent changes: Bug fixes and performance improvement
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