namaz book in urdu offline

namaz book in urdu offline
The official app & game
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In namaz book in urdu offline App for men and also for women.
Studying namaz book in urdu offline app is an easy direct contribution for Salah Namaz.Big benefit of learning Namaz in Urdu is its with no the internet connection required..learning namaz book in urdu offline app is the most excellent and easiest application for all musalman. study Namaz offline.
study namaz book in urdu offline app describe all professional subsequent Faqs concerning Namaz:
1- namaz book in urdu offline app is present for Muslim boys and girls
2- Name of Namaz
3- How many Farz perform in Namaz to obey and read prayers completely.
4- How many Sunnahs in a Namaz?
5- all fundamental knowledge about All Namaz (asar Namaz, magrib Namaz etc.)
6- How many Rakat in a isha Namaz.
7- What to recite in fajr Namaz
8- All sequences of Namaz illustrative of all Namaz steps of urdu characters just for perfume Namaz effortlessly.
9- What we recite in asar Namaz, all specified with urdu translation.
10- namaz book in urdu offline app is the most excellent and fundamental Islamic teaching.
There are a lot verse of surah in the Quran shareef in which value of Prayer Namaz like:
As to those who hold fast by the Book and establish regular prayer,- never shall We suffer the reward of the righteous to perish. [7:170]
In Hadees Namaz is a pillar of Islam.Names of Namaz are Fajar, Zuher, Asar, Maghrib, isha, Namaz e Jumma,.
It's our main priority to study the correct and accurate way of Namaz.We have to study namaz gradually with the correct namaz in urdu will assist you in the ramzan mubarak month. Namaz is the main pillar in Islam.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game namaz book in urdu offline.
Developer: Naila Kanwal
Recent changes: improvement in ui
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