No Texting While Driving
No Texting While Driving
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Play this online game named No Texting While Driving.
***THIRD PLACE IN GOOGLE'S YOUNG MAKER CHALLENGE!***1 in 4 car accidents in the United States are caused by texting while driving. That's 1.6 million accidents and 330,000 injuries.
Think about that. 1.6 million accidents and 330,000 injuries.
This app was designed to save those innocent lives, so they could drive safe everyday. The app texts a custom message chosen by you as an auto-reply. It helps you stay away from your phone while driving, but also still stay connected to your friends and family at the same time!
Features Include:
Sending Current Street Address - Keep your friends and family up to date with your current street address sent to them.
Sending Current Speed - Send your speed to the people who text you.
Reads Caller Number Aloud - When someone calls you while driving, it will read your caller's number aloud.
Reads Text Messages Aloud - When someone texts you while driving, this app will read the sender's number and the text message aloud.
Call Last Caller - When someone calls you and you decline or miss the call while driving, you have the option to call them back.
View Your Current Location - You can now view your current location using Google Maps!
Keeps Teenagers Safe - This app will keep your child's eyes off their phone and on the road.
By using this app you agree to our privacy policy. We are not responsible for damage of any kind. All rights reserved. Do not text while driving.
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