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Petahumans play online

Play Petahumans APK


The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Use UptoPlay to play online the game Petahumans.

Mix pets and humans to create interesting characters and then compete with like minded people in different games .

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Petahumans.


Developer: Lexcorp Technologies

Genre: Casual

App version: 7B4F

App size: 56M


I would love this game but I can't even get into it I merge the puppy with the buff guy and made the buff dog but I wait and wait and wait and it never goes to the next level

It's ok but if u use air plane mode and an enemy wins it does a glitch and u have to close the app and plz change the dance like the buff guy dog it's weird

Too many adds with airplane mode I could do a add but I wouldn't watch it still got the prize so easy haven't lost ever. Love it

I love this game because you could confuse animals and people together

You guys I know it has too much ads but just turn on airplane mode'

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