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Pims Collaboration play online

Free play online Pims Collaboration APK

Pims Collaboration

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay





Play this online game named Pims Collaboration.

Pims Collaboration is a platform allowing teams to interact using TeamDoc, TeamNotes and Improve.

TeamDoc documents are shared across team members and allow everyone contribute with posts, comments, files and tasks, which are grouped into sections and subjects.

A meeting is not only about making the right decisions. It is also about ensuring that those decisions are implemented after the meeting. Teamnotes can help you accomplish more in less time.
Teamnotes lets you see a series of meeetings in continuity. You have full overview of the history: all minutes, background documents, decisions and actions are easily accessible to all participants.




Pims Collaboration from UptoPlay.net

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