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Pinochle play online

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The official app & game

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Use UptoPlay to play online the game Pinochle.

Full-featured, ad-supported pinochle app for Google Play Store. Play single- or double-deck with configurable options including meld bids and shoot the moon.

Pinochle is a card game played with a 48- or 80-card deck of 9s, 10s, jacks, queens, kings and aces. The game consists of a repeating sequence of bidding (for the right to name the trump suit and optionally to pass cards), melding, and trick-taking. Players score points by melding various card combinations and by taking tricks.

In this version, one human player (South) plays with a computer partner (North) and two computer opponents (West and East).

BIDDING: Each player bids the number of points she thinks she can make with her hand. Player to the dealer's left is required to bid, and bidding proceeds to the left. Players who pass are out of the bidding for that hand. A typical high bid is 35 points (for 48 cards) or 60 (for 80 cards). High bidder names the trump suit for the hand and optionally exchanges cards with her partner.

MELDING: Players get points by showing various card combinations. A run (or straight) in the trump suit is worth 15 points. Aces in all four suits is 10 points. Pinochle (queen of spades and jack of diamonds) is 4 points, or 30 points for double pinochle (two of each).

TRICKS: Play begins with the high bidder, and proceeds around the table to the left, 4 cards per trick. Each trick has a winner, who gets 1 point per ace, ten or king.

SCORING: If the high bidder fails to make the bid (his team's total meld plus trick points is less than the bid), the bid amount is subtracted from the team score. Play continues until one team goes out.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Pinochle.


Developer: fishdog.net, LLC

Genre: Card

App version: 1.0.0

App size: 4.6M


The iPhone version of this is so good. This one is bad. Can't see all of my hand while playing.

Such a shame. The first pinnacle app I've seen that can play somewhat decent, bid relatively well. But the developers ate too many lead paint chips as a child, and if you win 1 hand your rewarded with un-natural card stacking on the opponent team. Dev's I have a good number of years on ya, I predict karma will land you with testicular cancer from being kicked there so many times by the time you figure it out. I know you should pray I never run into you.

This one is a keeper....they even sandbag Aces! I have played double deck pinochle for years and struggled to find an android app that could substitute for the human brain. This is one isn't perfect but it sure beats the others I have tried. I've been using it for over 6 months and is the only one I haven't deleted!

When the ads appear at the top of the screen, the cards in my hand get pushed down so far i cannot really make out what they are. This makes the game unusable. Running on Android 9 Nokia 6.1

The iphone ver. is bad, but this ver. is horrible. Devs should at least learn the rules and how to bid if they're going to write a card game. Dealer's left is NOT required to bid 50. One bid strategy is to dump the 50 bid on the dlr if dlr's partner refuses to save bid. No marr=board set, even on a dump. This ver. takes that away. Meld bids are wrong. Robot play is stupid. Ads and game spd make droid version unplayable, as others have said. Game options good. All else, very bad. Deleted"

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