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Sad Poetry - Dukhi Shayari play online

Free play online Sad Poetry - Dukhi Shayari APK

Sad Poetry

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay





Play this online game named Sad Poetry - Dukhi Shayari.

We bring you the best collection of all the painful desires that is explained via pictorial expressions along-with words. Sad Shayari contains many collection of two line poetry chinks that reflects your sensible true feelings of pain and jilt-full feelings of the one we expect a-lot from.
Feeling of regrets are all just the pain that can only be felt by a person got ditch/dumped by someone.
We all know theres no true value for pure love, the one we love always hurt us alot more than we ever imagine but life doesn't and we have to move on so we have no choice but to express our pain in she shape of Sad Poetry.
Urdu Poetry app brings you popular collection of shayari that are written by know and anonymous poets of all time that really values and express a painful heart like a mirror.




Sad Poetry - Dukhi Shayari from UptoPlay.net

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