SAP Mobile

SAP Mobile
The official app & game
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This mobile application developed by the Argentine Society of Pediatrics allows us to improve the evaluation of the growth of all children and adolescents.
This tool surpasses other existing ones because it uses our curves and allows us an auxological diagnosis validated by SAP. It is a complement to the Growth Assessment Guides and reinforces the need to use appropriate techniques and instruments to arrive at a correct auxological diagnosis.
-Argentine References: Allows the evaluation of weight, height, sitting height by calculating the centiles, z-score and the graph. They are useful for clinical follow-up and for the diagnosis of tall and short stature. It also makes it possible to assess body proportions by calculating the sitting height/height and head circumference/height indices.
- WHO Standards: Allows the evaluation of weight, height, head circumference and body mass index by calculating centiles, z-score and graph. They are useful for follow-up and for the assessment of nutritional status, since they allow the evaluation of the body mass index.
- Intergrowth Standards: Allows the evaluation of postnatal growth of weight, height, and head circumference of premature newborns, entering the date of birth and gestational age. Corrects the current age according to the gestational age. Calculate the z-score and graph.
-References for achondroplasia: allows the evaluation of weight, height, head circumference and body mass index by calculating centiles, z-score and graph.
-Down Syndrome References: allows the evaluation of weight, height, head circumference by graphing the data entered.
-Nelhauss cephalic perimeter references allows the evaluation of the size of the cephalic perimeter by graphing it when entering the data.
-References of Turner Syndrome: allows the graphing of the size in height of girls with Turner Syndrome when entering the data. This mobile application developed by the Argentine Society of Pediatrics allows us to improve the evaluation of the growth of all children and adolescents.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game SAP Mobile.
Developer: SAP Sistemas
Recent changes: Permite cambiar la fecha de la consulta del paciente para calcular la edad en función de este nuevo parámetro
Calcula automáticamente los campos IMC, ES/Talla, etc
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