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SDP Monitoring App play online

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SDP Monitoring App

The official app & game

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This system had been developed solely for the Sanyo Denki Philippines Inc in its effort to convert to mobile and contactless transaction and shall be governed by the following terms and conditions:

1. This system shall be used solely by the company and its employees within the conduct of its operation.
2. The Personnel and General Affairs shall be the Chief Implementing Group and will be the system administrators.
3. Only the Safety and Health Department shall be allowed to register and maintain users. (Employees/Suppliers/Contractors)
4. Employees includes Probationary, Casual, Direct and Contractual Employees.
5. Suppliers and Contractors include individuals who provide materials and services that are part if the company's operational requirements.
6. All information to be provided by the employee, suppliers and contractors shall be protected by the RA10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and the record will be destroyed after 30 days from the date of accomplishment following the National Archives of the Philippines protocol.
7. No information shall be shared with external groups.
8. Reporting and Monitoring functions and its information can only be accessed by the Safety and Health Department as the Chief Implementing Group.
9. Other Contacts and Announcement Functions shall also be under full control of the Health and Safety Department.

1. By using the system, you hereby authorize the implementing company to collect and process data.
2. By using the system you hereby understand that your personal information is protected by RA 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and the records will be destroyed after 30 days from the date of accomplishment following the National Archives of the Philippines Protocol.
3. Any violations you deemed had been committed against your privacy and other similar cases, you formally file a complaint to the Personnel General Affairs Office.
4. All filed complaint shall be treated with due confidentiality and protection to the complainant under the company rules and regulations.

Basic Functions:
-Create personal QR Code.
-Enable users to manually log their location.
-Enable submission of Health Declaration Checklist.
-Enable users to submit their taken temperature.
-Create a color-coded badge pass.
-List of Emergency Contacts.
-Enable common access points.

Admin Functions:
-Send announcements and updates.
-Monitor employee status

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game SDP Monitoring App.


Developer: SDP PE-PI

Recent changes: - View employee vaccine status
- Optimized app performance
- Fixed minor bugs

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