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Sensor Box play online

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Sensor Box

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Use UptoPlay to play online the game Sensor Box.

Bought a new phone, then here is the first thing todo install this app and check whether all the sensors and hardware are working perfectly.

Sensors that can be checked.....

An accelerometer sensor reports the acceleration of the device along the 3 sensor axes.
A gyroscope sensor reports the rate of rotation of the device around the 3 sensor axes.
A light sensor reports the current illumination in SI lux units.
-Magnetic field sensor
A magnetic field sensor (also known as a magnetometer) reports the ambient magnetic field, as measured along the 3 sensor axes
A proximity sensor reports the distance from the sensor to the closest visible surface.
The flashlight that is present with the camera.
Used to record the sound
A pressure sensor (also known as a barometer) reports the atmospheric pressure in hectopascal (hPa).
Test your Speaker with the beep sound.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Sensor Box.


Developer: Apps Machine

Genre: Tools

App version: 1.3

App size: 2.4M

Recent changes: Added Option to check Speakers.


'Helped somehow.. Can add more options


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