Shaban Month

Shaban Month
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
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Shaban month in Islamic calendar is the eight month that precedes the holy month of Ramadan. People widely celebrate the month for Shab-e-Barat or 15th of Shaban.
In this app , you find Things To Do In The Month Of Shaban ,What to do on the 15th of Shaban 2023 and How to Observe the 15th Night of Shaban
Fasting during Shaban is recommended for those seeking forgiveness and praise Allah, the Almighty. In our app contains collection of best dua for month of Shaban Mubarak 1444 video status ,Dua e Nisf Shaban , 15 shaban dua Mid Sha'ban and Dua e Shab e barat , shaban dua for 15 shaban night Dua
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Shaban Month.
Developer: The taouanati
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