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SikephiApp play online

Play SikephiApp APK


The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Use UptoPlay to play online the game SikephiApp.

Specifically designed to allow users to book or view train time tables, be notified when certain trains are not available due to various reasons. The app will allow users to lay complains about general train/station conditions, complains about trains being late when trains have not been declared delayed by train coordinators.

The app will allow users to have more information with regards to trains in general, it allows users to schedule their trips in advanced and have a more organized travels, it alerts users when trains have arrived at their dedicated platforms and also alerts users when the train is leaving the platform through notifications.

The app also alerts users when their booked will be delayed due to unknown or not disclosed reasons, from this alert users can then take actions to request/book a different train at a different time.

Through the app users can be notified of general news coming The Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa), new might include available posts or general information regarding certain districts in Republic of South Africa.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game SikephiApp.


Developer: Siphamandla Chere

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