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Skateboard Pro Zombie Run 3D 2.11.2 play online

Free play online Skateboard Pro Zombie Run 3D 2.11.2  APK

Skateboard Pro Zombie Run 3D 2.11.2

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay





Play this online game named Skateboard Pro Zombie Run 3D 2.11.2 .

Will you survive a zombie attack? Find it out in thisaddictive game and immerse yourself in a funny race! Dodge thezombies in an exciting race and do your best in thesefunny skateboard games!Skateboard Pro Zombie Run 3D is anaddictive game: Choose a cool skater and start playing! Masterskateboarding skills avoiding all the zombies in this addictiverace!Some features of this funny game:- Choose between 4 differentskaters- Zombie attack race: Play the skateboard run!Avoid thezombies while you are on a skateboard run: Skate fast and win asmuch points as possible. Become the master of this addictivegame!In this incredible race you will learn some skateboardingskills: Any little slip can cause your skater to come crashing offof his skateboard!This addictive skateboard game is appropriate forchildren and adults. Pick up a skater and have fun! Only the mostcrazy skaters can win this funny run game!


Skateboard Pro Zombie Run 3D 2.11.2 from UptoPlay.net

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