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Sustainable Grocery Shopping Study play online

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Sustainable Grocery Shopping Study

The official app & game

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Use UptoPlay to play online the game Sustainable Grocery Shopping Study.

This app is designed to help understand healthy and sustainable grocery shopping behaviour. It is part of a research study with the University of Luxembourg. The focus of the app is to support healthy and sustainable grocery shopping and to help you make better decisions. It will start out asking questions relating to your grocery shopping behaviour for two weeks. After this initial period of questions, the app will start helping you with recipes and grocery shopping.
Information about nutritional values and the carbon footprint is given in a colour coded labelling system to easily see if a recipe you choose is healthy and sustainable. You can easily add these recipes to your shopping list and take the app to the supermarket to get what you need. The app supports situations where items are unavailable in the shop and will let you choose alternative recipes without the missing ingredients. It will also help you to re-organise your shopping list on the spot by showing you what items to put back into the shelves again and make your grocery shopping a success.
The app contains extensive nutritional value and carbon footprint information for each product. All recipes can be saved for later and a random recipe feature will propose recipe ideas to try out. You can also search for recipes by ingredient, so that you can find recipes to cook from what you have already at home or what you want to eat.
Features include:
-\tOver 450 recipes with detailed instructions
-\tAdjustable number of servings
-\tHealth and carbon footprint labels for all recipes and ingredients
-\tCreate shopping lists from recipes
-\tConsistent aggregation of ingredients on the shopping list
-\tAdd custom items onto the shopping list
-\tAlternative recipe suggestions in case of missing ingredients
-\tSearch recipes by ingredients to avoid food waste
-\tIndication of difficulty level for each recipe
-\tMaintain a list of favourite recipes
-\tRandom recipe suggestions
This app is part of a research project on healthy and sustainable grocery shopping with the University of Luxembourg. By downloading the app you are anonymously taking part in the research study. Your participation is on a voluntary basis and you can stop at any time by deleting the application on your phone. At no time any information from your device is accessed or tracked, except for the interactions with the app itself. All data is completely anonymised.
For this research you will be presented with a questionnaire on the first day of using the app. This questionnaire will take about 10-15min and will assess your intention and motivation in the context of healthy and sustainable grocery shopping behaviour. For the next 14 days you will then receive daily reminders to answer some brief daily questions about your grocery shopping behaviour. After this initial period of 14 days, the full set of features will become available in the app and you will continue to receive reminders for another 14 days. At the end of the study after 28 days a final longer questionnaire similar to the one at the beginning will be presented to you, which will again take 10-15 min.
It would be a great help if you could answer these questions. After 28 days no more questions will be asked, and you are welcome to continue using the app completely free of ads or other charges.
This study has ethical approval from the University of Luxembourg. It is completely anonymous, and the collected data is only used for research purposes in the context of the research project. If you are interested in the results or have any other questions, please send an e-mail to [email protected] and I will send you an overview of results as soon as the analysis is finished.
This app is part of a research project, therefore it does not contain any ads or in app purchases and your support is highly appreciated.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Sustainable Grocery Shopping Study.


Developer: Julia Blanke

Genre: Food & Drink

App version: 1.4

App size: 70M

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