
The official app & game
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Tamil Business & Events Directory - Discover all Tamil businesses that offer products and services closest to you, where ever you are. Also updated information about latest community events and movies, and etc...TamilLocal app, local search for your everyday life.
This Tamil Business Directory application includes:
Tamil Grocery and meat shops, Tamil Restaurants, Tamil Textiles and Jewellery shops, Tamil Insurance Specialists, Tamil Auto Mechanic shops, Tamil Schools, Tamil Tutorial services, Tamil Travel agents, Tamil Real estate services, Tamil Financial service providers, Tamil Legal service providers, Tamil Temples and Churches, Tamil computer services, Tamil printing services, Tamil Home services, Tamil medical services, Tamil entertainment services, and Tamil Wedding arrangement related information.
Also directory contains latest information about the Tamil movies playing in cinemas and latest cultural events taking place near you, and much more..
You can search the businesses by Canton, by City, by ZIP and by Category.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game TamilLocal.
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