TeleprompterVideoCam byNSDev

TeleprompterVideoCam byNSDev
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game TeleprompterVideoCam byNSDev.
This is an application that creates self-introduction videos, self-PR videos, and appeal videos from the camera's perspective.
You can create videos by specifying the recording time.
*How to use
Enter your manuscript.
set recording time.
Tap the record button.
I will talk while looking at the manuscript.
A video will be created in the video folder.
manuscript input
Adjusting the font size of the manuscript
Adjust recording time (1~60 seconds)
Camera switching
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Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game TeleprompterVideoCam byNSDev.
Developer: Nihon System Developer Corp.
Recent changes: Add error handling
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