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Test: Are You a Tightwad? play online

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Test: Are You a Tightwad?

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Play this online game named Test: Are You a Tightwad?.

Have friends or family ever called you a cheapskate? Are you constantly concerned about money and saving a buck. This test will walk you through a set of questions to determine if you REALLY are a tightwad and what level you might be. If you are a big spender, this test is also a good source of ideas to save you money!

For a more in depth test (additional questions) and no advertisements play online "Test+:Are You a Tightwad?"

If you have suggestions for new questions or requests for a new test, don't hesitate to send us a note at: [email protected]




Test: Are You a Tightwad? from UptoPlay.net

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