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Testamentu Foun ba Ema Hotu play online

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Testamentu Foun ba Ema Hotu

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Use UptoPlay to play online the game Testamentu Foun ba Ema Hotu.

Tradusaun Testamentu Foun nee uza Tetun nebee ita baibain koalia, atu nunee ema barak bele kompriende. Ita instala app nee dala ida, depois la presiza tan asesu ba rede internet.
Testamentu Foun nee, ita bele lee deit. Maibee iha mos buat oi-oin hodi fasilita ita atu estuda ho medita. Iha referensia ba seksaun ka versikulu seluk nebee atu hanesan, ho mos roda pe ho informasaun oi-oin. Ita bele buka versikulu hotu-hotu nebee temi liafuan ka espresaun ruma, bele tau kor ba versikulu balu para fasil atu hetan fali, no bele hakerek ita nia reflesaun ka pergunta. Bele mos kopia versikulu hodi fahe ba ema seluk.
Tradusaun nee hosi Biblia ba Ema Hotu. Ida nee organizasaun sarani kristaun ho vizaun atu Nai Maromak nia liafuan sai familiar ba ema Timor tomak, para ita bele konhese Nai Maromak hodi moris tuir Nia hakarak.

Liafuan xave: Novu Testamentu (Novo Testamento, New Testament), Biblia (Bible), Timor Leste (East Timor), Tetun Dili (Tetum, Tetun Prasa).

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Testamentu Foun ba Ema Hotu.


Developer: Biblia ba Ema Hotu

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