Thief Rivals - Battle Running Multiplayer Game

Thief Rivals
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Play this online game named Thief Rivals - Battle Running Multiplayer Game .
Thief Rivals is a battle running multiplayer game that pitches theplayer against other 9 players in dangerous and challenging uniqueuser designed arenas. As the next evolution to all the great runnergames we love, Thief Rivals is designed to be enjoyed by returningplayers and newcomers alike! It’s a standalone experience withoriginal gameplay that anyone can enjoy but only a few will master.FEATURES: *Action-packed Multiplayer* Challenge your rivals aroundthe world in this super fun action-packed game where takingadvantage of all the tricks while honing your skills is the key tovictory! *User-generated Content* You will face countlesschallenges created by your rivals inside many deadly arenas. *Greatfor Streaming* Thief Rivals is the best game to stream and letothers enjoy your best moments. You don't even have to try tocreate fun moments, the game is non-stop adventure and hijinks!*Play with your Friends* You can invite your Facebook friends tojoin the battle and challenge them with your mad skills and awesomegear! *A time waster. NOT!* You will come back to Thief Rivalsbecause every time you play it’s fun. This is just for you to passyour time but to make your day better! *Great musics* Sometimes,you will think that Thief Rivals is a music game because of thebadass tunes made by our gifted craftsmen at Topebox *FamiliarMechanic, Creative Gameplay* The game features action-packedgameplay with 2D runner mechanics combined with the ability to usespecial tools and weapons to take out other players on the run.There's 5 types of gear player cans use; Trap, Weapon, Shield, Dashand Special. Each run players can use these to play the way theylove. Every time you play Thief Rivals, with 9 different rivals,there will be a different challenge so you will never be bored.*Premium Experience, Free to Play* We know that you're tired ofAds, that's why you will see no Pop-up Ads inside the game. Thiswill be the free game with crazy fun and no need to worry amistaken tap that lead you to unwanted purchases. Thief Rivalsprovides a premium experience with no barrier on pricing! *AntiPAY-To-WIN, Skills Matter Most* Are you tired of PAY-To-WIN? InThief Rivals, everyone will die so many times from the newcomer tothe skilled players and sometimes dying is the most fun! But canyou beat the other enough times so you win more than you lose?*Easy to play, Hard to master * You may think you know runner gamesbut at the heart of Thief Rivals is the deadly traps system andepic challenges created by other players. Learn to survive andthrive! Leave your rivals dead behind you and be first across thefinish line!! Thanks for playing Thief Rivals! Topebox
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