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Truthup - Anonymous feedback play online

Play Truthup - Anonymous feedback APK


The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


Play Online



Use UptoPlay to play online the game Truthup - Anonymous feedback.

Want to see what your friends really think of you?
Use "Truthup", a free application, to collect reactions from your friends without them having to fear your own.
The process is very simple:
- Register to get your own feedback profile
- Share the profile on Facebook, messenger, Twitter... The posted URL helps your friends to go to your profile and give you a feedback
- You will be notified when a new feedback comes in.
You will be surprised what friends can say about you.
Finally don't forget to give honest feedback to your friends too.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Truthup - Anonymous feedback.


Developer: TBA Apps

Genre: Social

App version: 1.3.2

App size: 9.2M

Recent changes: Security improvements


'It is fantastic application'

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