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Voice Freedom

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Voice Freedom is a free platform to support all your protest needs. Whether you are a common citizen, organization / union, government employee, private employee, media reporter, or a social worker, a person associated with any other profession, etc. Every person can raise his voice against all the unjust/violating happening around him, or wrong things/unjust acts affecting the people, done by any person, any businessmen, politicians and any organization, company, even by the state or central government of a country, departments of the government and their employees. Injustice can be anything but with the help of this app, anyone can raise their voice and you can fight for your rights in the form of protest in your regional languages and you can join any social issues related issues. You don't even need to go on the road/streets to do this. All the citizens of all the countries who join Voice Freedom, from their homes, their offices or any place, here they are at the present time, will be able to join the protest movement. And you will be able to reach your voice/speak easily to the concerned officials, departments and governments. This app has all that gives you complete freedom of expression!

Voice Freedom is India's first social platform. Which is not made for entertainment but for online protest on social issues affecting the society? Where you can run online campaign against any issue and get support on it without any restriction or what other issues you can support. Whether it is related to any policy of the government or business, crime or criminal, etc., you can raise your voice on all kinds of issues.
All you have to do is create your free account on Voice Freedom and once you are logged in, you have to verify your account, and you can support or oppose any issue. You can support or oppose any social campaign sitting in your home or office. For this you do not need to protest on the streets, nor do you need to walk on the streets with banners for hours, nor do you need to damage any government property. There is no fear of going to jail.
In other social platforms, most posts related to Protest are deleted, but on Voice Freedom you get a full chance to have your say. That is, voice freedom gives complete freedom of expression. There is no fear of the post getting deleted here.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Voice Freedom.


Developer: Business Signature

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