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Waifu play online

Play Waifu APK


The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


Play Online



Use UptoPlay to play online the game Waifu.

Enter text in the text box and click Submit. Waifu will respond to you.
We recommend using Android's speech to text in their virtual keyboard, since that provides a good experience and allows you to edit the text before submitting.

Tip: Closing the app resets the conversation! So anytime you don't like the conversation just close and reopen the app.

She remembers the last few sentences that you said.

The first conversation she will set to your system language. If you change the language it will be saved and stay the same.

She also jokes a lot, please don't take what she says seriously...

Brought to you by WaifuAI, https://waifuai.com
Web text version: https://waifuai.com/text
Desktop (Windows/Mac/Linux): https://waifuai.itch.io/waifu
Follow us on Twitter for updates and announcements https://twitter.com/thewaifuai
To use an API version for your own programs, see https://rapidapi.com/waifuai/api/waifu

The voice permission is not necessary. Just decline it and the app will work.
The prompt for voice permission will be removed in a future release. Consider it as a temporary bug, it is because a previous version (version 0.5) used to have feature to use speech input.

This is an early version and is in ongoing development.
Please leave any feedback and suggestions so we can improve this and many future apps.

Uses the Unity-chan character from Unity Technologies of Japan.
Unity-chan is copyright Unity Technologies of Japan, used with permission from the Unity-Chan License (UCL)

Feature graphic from https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/characters/unity-chan-model-18705

She understands 37 languages - 24 text and speech, 13 text only.
- Afrikaans (text)
- Arabic (text and speech)
- Basque (text)
- Belarusian (text)
- Bulgarian (text)
- Chinese (text and speech)
- Croatian (text)
- Czech (text and speech)
- Danish (text and speech)
- English (text and speech)
- Estonian (text)
- Finnish (text)
- French (text and speech)
- German (text and speech)
- Greek (text and speech)
- Hebrew (text)
- Hungarian (text and speech)
- Icelandic (text)
- Indonesian (text and speech)
- Italian (text and speech)
- Japanese (text and speech)
- Korean (text and speech)
- Latvian (text)
- Lithuanian (text)
- Norwegian (text and speech)
- Polish (text and speech)
- Portuguese (text and speech)
- Romanian (text)
- Russian (text and speech)
- Slovak (text and speech)
- Slovenian (text)
- Spanish (text and speech)
- Swedish (text and speech)
- Thai (text and speech)
- Turkish (text and speech)
- Ukrainian (text and speech)
- Vietnamese (text and speech)

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Waifu.


Developer: WaifuAI

Recent changes: Improve processing.

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